Month: March 2021

Knowing Nothing. . .

Socrates, considered as one of the founders of Western philosophy, was once named the wisest man on earth by the Oracle of Delphi. When Socrates heard that the oracle had made such a comment, he believed that the statement was wrong.Socrates said: “I know one thing: that I know nothing.”

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Work and Pride. . .

Somewhere in the storage world or interpretations someone decided that “pride” was a bad thing. The Buddha however did not teach that. He in fact taught that if one works hard towards a task or goal they should indeed be happy and proud of their efforts regardless of the outcomes. The key here is that we must “work” for those things that make us proud or happy.

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Live Life. . .

Before enlightenment chop wood and carry water. After enlightenment, chop wood and carry water. — Wu Li

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Generosity. . .

Generosity can be defined in many ways but respect, kindness, benefit and accessibility are its key characteristics.

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