Cold. . .

This month I continue to share some Buddhist tales of ghosts, demons and darkness.

The Yuki-onna is a kind of snow spirit yokai. She usually takes the life of humans who wander into her frozen lands, sometimes even falling in love:

A young man in search of his fortune was passing through the snow-covered mountains, when he’s caught in a sudden snowstorm and loses his way. Nearly frozen to death, he almost gives up hope when a strange woman, covered in frost and with a face as pale as snow, appeared before him—a Yuki-onna. Because he was still so young, the Yuki-onna took pity on him, and guided him to a warm cabin in the woods, saving his life. In exchange for his rescue, however, she made him promise never to tell anyone of their meeting. 

Years later, the young man met and married a charming girl named Yuki, and they lived happily together for many years. But one day, the young man told his wife about how he was once saved by the mysterious Yuki-onna, breaking his promise. As he reveals this tale to his wife, her face grew pale and frost began to cover her body—his wife’s true identity was the Yuki-onna. The promise broken, she vanished back into the winter’s night.

Our lesson is that we should always be aware of that which we love. Without awareness we can often fall victim to emotions and perceptions that we have come to trust. We can unconsciously fall off our path and end up in the presence of the cold truth to that we once honored and remembered

Peace and Love, Jim

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