To appreciate simplicity in life one must escape the mind’s desire to complicate.

I feel that we are almost wired to always want what we don’t have.  We’re always dreaming about the things we want to accomplish, or owning the next best thing.

Be a dreamer, dream big, aspire big, love big…. but don’t lose sight of today and what you hold in your arms in that moment in time. Whether your dream is to make more money, have that dream career or your dream partner in life… you cannot attain those things by constantly sitting back and worrying about how you will get there.

You have to put in effort, little by little, day by day, and make the best of what you do have.  If it’s love you seek — turn to those around you and invest that love in them, instead of investing love in the person who hasn’t arrived yet.  Most importantly invest love in yourself. If it’s that dream career — you have to keep working on your passion in whatever way you can, little by little…. and in the end those little efforts add up and evolve into that *big* dream.

Appreciating simplicity is the beauty to success and it lies in making the best of what you do have. Just know, you don’t need a whole bouquet of flowers in order to be able to stop and smell the *fresh air*.

Peace and Love, Jim

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