New Beginnings. . .

Hello Friends,

Over the weekend my mother-in-law passed. It was the end to a beautiful life.

Death is a sensitive topic for many and the most asked question I receive on the topic is – What is the best way to help others as they die?”

If you are fortunate enough to be with them in their final days and they are of good mind and spirits, often the most needed thing is reassurance. Try to be with them, and be simple and genuine. Tell them you love them, that you’re here for them. Tell them not to over-react to anything, that the journey will be okay. Tell them not to be attached to anything and remind them that all journeys begin with not knowing our courage to take those next steps.

For many the best course is a simple reminder that death is not a big deal – its one of life’s guarantees, and creating a peaceful environment, a peaceful mind is the best option. An environment where openness, kindness, and love fill the space.The most important thing is to help anyone who is dying to relax. Doesn’t matter what religion, or no religion. That’s the most important thing.

None of us know what happens after death and thus if we speculate then we should do so with positivity and love. We should embrace what many see ass the “final” stage and convert that to the “next” phase. 

I hope these answers motivate you to connect with your love ones and relieve your and others worries over death. As Epictetus once said – I cannot escape death, but at least I can escape the fear of it.”

Peace and Love, Jim

#newbegginning #thedailybuddha

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