Rest. . .

We are halfway into the first month of the new year. You may be excited to hit the ground in a full run toward any goals you’ve set or resolutions you’ve made. But not so fast, according to a time-tested science of long life originating in India more than 5,000 years ago. The winter rhythm is rest. So, instead, of the all out approach to improve and change every aspect of our life, maybe its time to make like the season does and rest.

You’ll notice during late winter that things get quieter — gardens may lie fallow having been cut back after the Autumn and early winter harvests, the sound of birds quiets down a bit as some leave for warmer climates.And, just as the cooler nights and days call animals and humans inside to the cave, the den or by the fire. The season calls us all back home. Back inside. Back to ourselves.

So consider making like the seasons and rest – no guilt, no discomfort just rest.

Peace and Love, Jim

#rest #thedailybuddha

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