It is said that we are all here on this planet for four basic reasons – (1) to create value, (2) to enjoy life, (3) to connect with other people and to (4) learn and grow. The “learn and grow” part of the mission you have in your life is the duty to become the best version of yourself and leave a positive legacy behind. The way to become the best version of yourself is to commit to regular personal development and constant improvement.

Personal development is about getting to know yourself, examining your life and your past, understanding your strengths and weaknesses, and then building strong foundations for a happy and successful life in the future. Day by day, you improve different areas of life and your character, and over time that accumulates in great results and accomplishments.

The good news is that improving yourself is a rewarding and fun experience by itself. Well, personal development is far from an easy task, but when you learn to enjoy the path itself and accept AND face your limits, personal development becomes one of the most divine experiences on the planet – because you positively influence your own life, the people around you and maybe even succeed in making a dent in the universe.

There is no greater legacy than changing the world by changing yourself (not the other way around).

You have only two options in life. Either you follow your own goals, or you follow the goals of other people. If you don’t build and follow your own dream life, someone else will try to engage you or hire you to help build theirs. There’s nothing wrong with helping other people achieve their dreams, but you absolutely want to make sure you also have your own goals and that you live your own “dream” life.

You want to wake up every day with determination and go to bed with deep satisfaction.You want to be maximally creative during the day and produce, deliver and capture as much value on the markets as possible. You want to make sure you have hobbies and personal goals that empower you and offer your life a sense of meaning, growth and yes purpose. It feels so good to be productive, to see the fruits of hard and smart work, and cross things off your vision list. Just remember to balance all of this out so you don’t become entwined in the slippery concepts of achievement and failure. Instead simply do things because they inform you, bring you joy and allow others to share in those values as well.

Peace and Love, Jim

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