Here are seven mindsets that will radically improve your business and your life. Internal dialogue – the ongoing conversation we all have with our mindset is the driving force behind every success story, and also behind every failure.

The difference between who you are and who you want to be stems from your mindset. Once you start to change your mindset, you will immediately start to change your behavior.

Self-trust mindset. – To do anything great, you have to be able to trust yourself and believe in your capabilities. …

Goal-setting mindset. – Knowing what you want and willing yourself to reach it are two different things. When you know your goals, they motivate you. Remember, if it doesn’t challenge you, it won’t change you.

Patient mindset. – There’s moving forward and standing still. The most successful people do all they can to move forward, but they understand to wait and watch. Those who are impatient tend to lose out on great opportunities.

Courageous mindset. – Doing anything great requires courage, but fear always has a way of showing up. Courage does not mean being unafraid; having courage and showing courage means facing your fears, saying “I am scared and I am moving forward anyway.” Courage is like a muscle you can strengthen with use.

Focused mindset. – One of the worst setbacks that can happen is losing focus and allowing procrastination to step in. Important as it is, it’s difficult to be focused and disciplined. The best way is to stay in the here and now and to concentrate on everything going on in this particular moment. Distraction wastes time, and procrastination keeps you from moving forward. Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishment, and a mindset of focus builds that bridge.

Positive mindset. – Choosing to be positive and having a good attitude will determine a lot about your life. If you set your mind to positivity it can go a long way. Be positive, not passive. Instead of giving yourself reasons why you can’t or shouldn’t, give yourself reasons why you can and permission to go for it. Happiness doesn’t come from circumstances but always from within.

Learning mindset. – Just because you are struggling, that doesn’t mean you’re not learning. Every failure has something to teach you, and everything you learn helps you grow. If you are unwilling to learn, no one can help you; if you are determined to learn, no one can stop you.

Every great success requires some kind of struggle, and good things really do come to those who work hard and struggle to pursue what they know id correct for them. To radically change your life, you have to change yourself. Start building your new mindset today – think the thoughts that will help you move toward your goals right now. Then become the actions that give those thoughts life.

Peace and Love, Jim

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