The Buddha. . .
Siddhattha Gotama, later to be called the Buddha, was born into a ruling family in the small northern Indian state of Sakya. Brought up in luxury, he married and had a son. Despite his life of privilege and comfort, Siddhattha was not happy and became deeply concerned about the suffering he saw all around him. Eventually, following the convention of the time, he renounced the world and took up the life of a wandering ascetic. He studied at the feet of different teachers, practiced severe self-mortification, but eventually, after six years, decided that such things did not work. After resting and strengthening himself with decent food, he sat at the foot of a particular tree vowing not to move until he had penetrated the truth. That evening the truth of the nature of existence became clear to him and he became enlightened. Over the next 45 years, the Buddha travelled throughout northern India teaching others the truths he had realized and finally passed away at Kusinàrà at the age of 80. He was the first person to teach a religion for all humankind rather than for a specific group or tribe. Along with Jesus, Confucius and Lao Tzu, he is considered one of the greatest religious thinkers of all time.
Peace and Love, Jim
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