Understanding. . .

A master was taking his disciple on a journey into the jungle. Even though he was old, he made his way with agility, while the disciple kept slipping and falling many times.

The young man got up and muttered angrily every time but continued to follow his master. After the long journey, they arrived in a sacred place. Without stopping even for a moment, the master returned back quickly to the bumpy road they followed so far. “You didn’t teach me anything today,” said the disciple irritated by the whole situation, after he fell for the thousandth time.

“I taught you one thing, but you couldn’t understand it,” replied the master. “I’m trying to teach you how to deal with mistakes in life”.

“And how should I deal with them?”, asked the puzzled disciple.

“In the same way you should have faced every fall you have taken today”, the master answered. “Instead of cursing when you fell, you should have tried to understand first what made you slip.”

Peace and Love, Jim

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