Give it Away. . .

Someone once told me that I could never fully experience the world unless I was willing to give everything away. That was many years ago and the meaning of what was told took many years to reveal itself. After all how could I enjoy life if i did not have anything? Time has a way of making us all just a little wiser and I have come to understand that “giving it all away” means not holding anything back, not constantly preparing my escape plan, not always looking for alternatives, and not thinking I have ample time to do everything later. When we give it all away we limit our choices and that puts us into action and in turn that thrusts us into living our lives and not planning our lives.

LIfe plays a trick on us and we tend to take our time for granted, we tend to think we have endless options and a myriad of choices when the reality is we really have few choices concerning our life and it’s timetrame. . . we enter then we exit, plain and simple. What we do in-between is our life and there is no better time than now for thorough, utter, and complete enjoyment. o what do we commit ourself? Is it playing it safe and manipulating our life and our whole world so that we will feel secure and comfortable? or do we commit to something deeper and go beyond our normal safety zones? Is there any other choice but this?

So give away all the planning and worrying, give away the illusions that we have plenty of time, give away the concepts of security and comfort and do something brave. Make a choice to live right here right now instead of planning and playing movies of the past or the future. The only thing waiting in the wings is your life!

Have a great day and think about this: It is our choices… that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities.

Peace and Love, Jim

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