Happiness is a Habit. . .

Happiness is something we’d all like to feel no matter what’s going on. But how to be a basically happy person, able to deal with whatever happens in life? Here are some Buddhist tips:

  1. Make some quiet time each day – calm down by focusing on your breath.
  2. When with others, be mindful of how you behave and speak; when by yourself, be mindful of what’s going on in your mind – try to act, speak and think in constructive ways.
  3. Do something nice for someone every day – have sincere concern for their happiness.
  4. Be generous with others – it will boost your feeling of self-worth.
  5. Focus on your own and others’ strong points – make helpful suggestions when problems arise.
  6. Let go of wrongs that others have done – practice forgiveness.
  7. Let go of your own mistakes – forgive yourself.
  8. Accept reality – life is full of ups and downs, but no matter how bad things get, everything passes.

Being happy doesn’t come from nowhere; you have to work on it. But with practice, everyone can lead a happier life.

Peace and Love, Jim

#happiness #thedailybuddha

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