Kindness. . .

Kindness. . .
In loving-kindness practice, you repeat well-being phrases for yourself and then for your loved ones, friends, teachers, strangers, enemies, and finally all sentient beings.
In loving-kindness practice, you repeat the following phrases for yourself and then for your loved ones, friends, teachers, strangers, enemies, and finally all sentient beings. You can say these phrases either out loud or silently to yourself. Try to keep a steady rhythm going while you’re repeating these words and avoid letting your mind wander. Visualize the person you’re directing loving-kindness toward and how the benefits of each of these phrases would feel to them.
The words represent benefits that could beneficial in tough circumstances. I encourage you to make up your own phrases.
May I be safe from internal and external harm.
May I have a calm, clear mind and a peaceful, loving heart.
May I be physically strong, healthy, and vital.
May I experience love, joy, wonder, and liberating wisdom in this life, just as it is.
Peace and Love, Jim
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