Lead. . .

Born into a samurai family, Bankei Yotaku became one of the most renowned Japanese philosophers.

Many students from different parts of Japan came to Bankei’s meditation classes. During such a course, one of the students was caught stealing. The problem was presented to the Japanese master, and the request of those who caught him was that the one caught actually be sent home. But, Bankei preferred to ignore the student’s deed.

A few days later, the student was caught stealing again, but the problem was again ignored by the Bankei. Bankei’s reaction infuriated the other students. They signed a petition demanding the expulsion of the thief from the classes.

When Bankei read the petition, he called all the students in front of him.

“You are wise,” he told them. “You know what is right and what is wrong. You can go elsewhere to study if you want, but this poor brother of ours does not even know what is good and what is evil. Who will teach him if I don’t? I’m going to keep him here, even if there’s no one left but him.” Tears began to flow down the face of the student who stole. His desire to steal again was gone.

Try to understand others. If you understand each other you will be kind to each other. Patience and understanding never lead to hate and almost always leads to love.

Peace and Love, Jim

#leader #thedailybuddha

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