We often had what our instructor had deemed “open class” in my college philosphy and world religion classes. On such days we could discuss topics, present ideas, ask questions and openly discuss anything. Our brilliant instructor would put the days “prescribed course/lecture’ up on the board and say you’re responsible for knowing this. I am responsible for testing you on these criteria.

He would then say: “Today we learn something, questions?”

This approach allowed us to invest ourselves earnestly in activities that benefited us beyond books, we gained the ability to talk, to discuss ideas, lessons and ultimetly turn all concepts of the philosophical, of learning and our obstacles into benefit. We looked forward to these chances, myself so much so that I personal became more excited about my studies and abilities to develop and share ideas and process with others.

It became more than a class. Guess what? Life can be the same way.

Look at each day as another chance to learn, to teach, to grow and receive. Embrace being full spectrum and know that no matter how unpleasant the circumstances we find ourselves in, we can transform them into hope and good fortune  – into genuine moment of happiness!

Peace and Love, Jim

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