Shared. . . The true value of dialogue is not to be found solely in the results it produces but also in the process of dialogue itself, as two human spirits engage with and elevate each other to a higher realm. Buddhism is a religion of dialogue. Buddhism teaches that peace can be found not in lofty ideals, but in developing understanding and empathy between ordinary people. This understanding is generated through dialogue. There are few opportunities for meaningful dialogue with others in today’s fast-paced, disconnected society. Instead of enjoying genuine communication, many are suffering in isolation. That’s why it’s so important to put aside our differences and really listen to others, sharing their pains and sufferings as fellow human beings. The caring heart capable of listening in this way has the power to open people’s minds, to dispel anxiety and to heal mental wounds. It takes a human heart to touch a human heart. “When you’re suffering, I hurt, too.” By engaging in dialogue in this spirit of empathy—what is called in Buddhism “shared suffering”— we reach understanding, growth and are strengthened and elevated Peace and Love, Jim #shared #thedailybuddha Buy Me A Coffee – A Easy Way To support The Daily Buddha! The Daily Buddha – Support The Server The Daily Buddha  – Web The Daily Buddha – YouTube The Daily Buddha – Facebook
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