Perspective. . .

I have learned not to allow rejection to move me in negative ways. Instead it has become the catalyst for better perspectives.

Rejection can be experienced on a large scale or in small ways in everyday life. While rejection is typically a part of life, some types of rejection may be more difficult to cope with than others.

All forms of rejection can hurt, and when the rejecting is done by a trusted loved one, it can deeply impact self-worth and self-confidence. While therapy can help people overcome wounds that may be caused when a person is rejected by a loved one, it can also help individuals learn to accept types of rejection that occur in day-to-day life, such as rejection by a potential romantic partner, being turned down during a job search, or while applying to college.

During moments of rejection we should seek out healthy, positive connections with friends and family.Some of us may not have many friends or family to turn to so we should enlist the help of doctors or professionals who will listen and offer aid.

This squares with the neural evidence that shows positive social interactions release opioids for a natural mood boost, Other activities that produce opioids naturally, such as exercise, might also help ease the sore feelings that come with rejection.

Putting things into perspective also helps. True, rejection can sometimes be a clue that you behaved badly and should change your ways. But frequently, we take rejection more personally than we should. Very often we have that one rejection, maybe we didn’t get hired for this job we really wanted, and it makes us feel just lousy about our capabilities and ourselves in general. This is quote normal and we should remind ourselves of this. If we canned really look at our moments of rejection and stop overgeneralizing, it will take a lot of the angst out of it.

Next time you get passed over for a job or dumped by a romantic partner, it may help to know that the sting of rejection has a purpose. That knowledge may not take away the pain, but at least you know there’s a reason for the heartache. “Evolutionarily speaking, if you’re socially isolated you’re going to die,” Williams says. “It’s important to be able to feel that pain.”

Peace and Love, Jim

#perspective #thedailybuddha

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