Science has a new kid on the block who is asking us to dramatically rethink sociology and anthropology standards. Many theories can now be literally tested in the laboratory. This is exciting as it liberates humans from defined cultural conditioning and belief systems that we perhaps don’t resonate with. There is so much to celebrate within all our differences when we step into commonality and LOVE. And there is so much we need to rethink about how differences can keep us separate, isolated and alone when we step into FEAR. Our behaviour, our personality,  is of course determined by nature and nurture. Epigenetics changes everything. It provides the key to understanding how we are formed as individuals, but more importantly, it gives rise to our freedom, especially the freedom of our potential. We are, in effect, expanding our awareness of Free Will into the realm of all possibilities.

There’s a myth perpetuated that the Universe is random chaos — it’s simply not true. The Universe is precise and ordered. From the organic life-codes of DNA, to the biosphere that sustains life on Earth, to the distance of the sun and the moon in relation to Earth that regenerates life and pulls the tides etc. There is so much evidence that we are (at this stage) beyond our own comprehension.  I hear, see and read about all sorts of people who are obsessed with facts and science. All well-intentioned in trying to understand the infinite mysterious phenomena of life on Earth; Earth in a galaxy, a galaxy in infinite space of the ever-expanding Universe.

I have always chosen to believe in the gift of this life. Or rather, I chose somewhere along the way, not to forget that I came in as pure Awareness who collided with a sperm and an egg. Religions have tried to package pure Awareness as an omniscient presence governing all our lives. I have rejected this ideology for my own direct experience of ‘this life and the mysteries of my energy.  And it’s everywhere … When I am still and present, when I am here and now, when the multiplications of my DNA resonate in this body – I have no choice but to acquiesce to the miracle that I am embodied within — That we are all embodied within. Despite this being beyond my mind’s comprehension.

It’s far more relaxing to accept the mystery of life and celebrate it, and for pure fun and imagination, to speculate on its origins than to be weighed down with futile questions. And in my experience, it is far more harmonious and peaceful to rest in not knowing all the answers. Then the invitation to dance and celebrate in the mystery of this Existence is never far away.

Peace and Love, Jim

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