We Are Here. . .
We are not here on Earth to be alone, but to be a part of a living community, a web of life in which all is sacred… this is something we each need to rediscover and honor anew…  – Llewelyn Vaughn-Lee If we begin with the view that this world is sacred, then everything that spiritual traditions teach us follows naturally. Jason Espada from his collection “Opening the Door to Pure Perception.” This earth, and all that is in it is sacred: the trees, the mountains, and the rivers; the fertile soil, the flowering plants, and the forests; the air we breathe, and the sunlight, and the rain; {Indigenous peoples, and all those who follow wisdom traditions have always known this, and it has sustained them} Our bodies, breath, and movement are sacred, and those of all other people; Our senses, our music and art, and silence; And other species too- all these can be known without a doubt as sacred… Knowing this brings great equality, solidarity, and affection, and we can begin to use words to describe our experience in this world such as wonder, and awe, and exultation; reverence; holiness, divinity, blessings, and miracles.
We can see how life is when we are without this essential spiritual view- witness all the exploitation, and neglect, prejudice, and despair there is in the world. Beginning with an enlightened world view, by comparison, there are more possibilities, as well as the energy and inspiration to accomplish our aims on this earth. To say it plainly, our world view is expressed in what we value, and what we feel is possible.
Peace and Love, Jim #wearehere #thedailybuddha Buy Me A Coffee – A Easy Way To support The Daily Buddha! The Daily Buddha – Support The Server The Daily Buddha  – Web The Daily Buddha – YouTube The Daily Buddha – Facebook
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