What We Believe. . .

Our beliefs are powerful beyond imagination: They influence our perception of reality, which in turn influences the way we live.Therefore, what we believe controls our lives.

So what are our beliefs made up of? Simply put – a bunch of information that we have accepted as truth. Even truths we don’t have strong evidence to support. This information then leads us to perceive the world in a certain way, and act in it accordingly. So is it news that we receive or simply control that we are witnessing?

To be clear, I’m not saying that all mainstream media always intends to manipulate you. Sometimes, journalists and others who work for the mainstream media truly and deeply believe in the ideas behind the content they’re putting out to the world. But they too work for groups and outlets that certainly have their slant and ultimately control what they publish. Hence, it’s not that they are evil or bad, contrary to what many people think. Rather, they are also victims of the cultural environment they live in.

The point I want to make is simple: Regardless of the media we consume – it should not be trusted. Period. Even what I’m writing here should be researched, weighed out and then opinions formed. So, I don’t want you to trust me. I really don’t. I want you to seek the truth for yourself.

Here’s my simple, time-tested advice:

Firstly, when it comes to any serious issue under discussion, be sure to expose yourself to as much information as you can, from as many — even conflicting — sources as possible, in order to develop a spherical view of the situation.

Secondly, remember: Just because Jesus, the Pope, Trump, Obama, Putin, Deepak Chopra or your favorite YouTube persona said something, that doesn’t mean it’s true. So, don’t take anything on blind belief. Rather, question everyone and everything, do plenty of research, and come to your own conclusions using critical thinking.

The media only has the power we give it. Therefore, it’s in our hands to stop it from controlling our lives, right now, if we really want to.

Peace and Love, Jim

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