Will. . .

Will is a powerful key to living a meaningful life. It can propel you into new endeavors and help you stretch yourself with people, places and projects. Becoming more aware of how will works in your life and strengthening that skill (yes will is a skill) can yield you amazing results.

What exactly is it?

We use the root word, “will,” in so many phrases and applications:

  • Sheer force of will
  • Being willful
  • Having willingness
  • Goodwill
  • Willpower

According to dictionary.com, “will” has many definitions. It is used to imply the future, “I will go to the store.” It is also defined as: to wish, desire or like as in “go where you will.”

  • The faculty of conscious and especially of deliberate action; the power of control the mind has over its own actions: the freedom of the will.
  • The power of choosing one’s own actions: to have a strong or a weak will.
  • The act or process of using or asserting one’s choice; volition: My hands are obedient to my will.

Self-Confidence – A direct correlation with will is the belief that what you think or do matters. Self-confidence is primarily developed from two areas in life. The first is by experiencing love. If you feel loved and accepted, you naturally see yourself as whole and healthy and exude confidence about life. When you feel confident, it’s easy to try new things and exert your will.

Desire – Willpower is easily associated with desire. Think about it like this – desire is the fuel that propels will.Because, let’s face it, if you want something, it’s much easier to put in the effort and the work. If you’re desire to be healthy is strong and you have good motivation (desire) it’s easier to delay gratification, to listen to your body, to get up and go for a run and to make healthy choices. But you have to really want it. Desire and will show up in many forms and ways.

Ability – Will and ability go hand in hand. Often, when I look to undergo a project, the first thing I have to ask myself is am I willing? Then I ask, do I have the desire to undertake this task? The third question is, do I believe I have the skills to succeed? If the answer is no, don’t be deterred because we often need to learn new skills or get help when striving to succeed.

Perseverance – It’s easy to think about willpower as being directly connected to perseverance, that dogged trait of not giving up. Of getting up even when you don’t want to, of showing up even when you’re afraid. How do we foster perseverance? Like with everything, practice.

Will or willpower is doing it anyway – even when you want to give up, even when it gets hard, or uncomfortable or scary. It’s about following through until the task/job/meet is completed. It’s about staying focused, keeping your eyes on the mission and moving toward the goal.

Will is a powerful key to living a successful life. It can propel you into new endeavors and help you stretch yourself with people, places and projects. Becoming more aware of how will works in your life and strengthening that skill can yield you amazing results!

Peace and Love, Jim

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