Accept Rejection. . .
Unfortunately in this life and world rejection by others is a reality we must learn to understand and grow from. Few things cut deeper than being rejected by someone we want to be in a relationship with. In these moments, we can’t let the sting of rejection distract us from seeing our true worth. How many times have we felt this after experiencing the sting of rejection? Yes, rejection is inevitable, but taking it in stride is the key. This is why we shouldn’t give too much weight to rejections. A rejection is not a rejection of us as a person, even though it’s easy to take it that way. Instead, we can use them to help us move toward our dreams and goals. Some rejections let us know we need to work a little harder or improve a bit more, and they fuel our determination to succeed. If nothing else, through facing multiple rejections, we become strong people who are not easily shaken by the opinions by others. The Buddhist practice of mindfulness and meditation can be compared to strengthening the spiritual muscle of believing in yourself. If we can develop this quality, then regardless of others’ likes and dislikes, we can continue to move forward. This is the most liberating way to live. We develop the kind of confidence that isn’t based on other people’s perceptions or praise. Rather, it’s rooted in the understanding that each of our lives has incredible potential. If you’ve given up on something because of a someone’s careless comment, rather than accepting it as fact, chant honestly about it and decide what you want to take away from it, if anything at all.
Peace and Love, Jim #rejection #thedailybuddha Buy Me A Coffee – A Easy Way To support The Daily Buddha! The Daily Buddha – Support The Server The Daily Buddha  – Web The Daily Buddha – YouTube The Daily Buddha – Facebook
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