Accepting what we don’t like may be one of the most difficult aspects of life.

I’m all for taking action and changing what we can, but inevitably there will be people, situations, and events we don’t like and that we aren’t able to change. Do you find yourself trying to change things you have no control over? If so, you probably find it difficult to be satisfied and content with life.

If we can’t change a situation or an outcome our best option is to learn how to accept it and deal with it. Acceptance has many benefits:

Accepting what we don’t like may be one of the most difficult aspects of life. I’m all for taking action and changing what we can, but inevitably there will be people, situations, and events we don’t like and that we aren’t able to change. Do you find yourself trying to change things you have no control over? If so, you probably find it difficult to be satisfied and content with life.

If we can’t change a situation or an outcome our best option is to learn how to accept it and deal with it. Acceptance has many benefits:

  • A more positive attitude
  • Less worry and stress
  • Less energy drained from trying to figure things out
  • Ability to embrace change
  • Greater appreciation and gratitude
  • A more compassionate perspective

Acceptance is not the same as resignation or passivity. We can continue to push forward despite accepting that there are things beyond our control.

If something doesn’t work the way we planned, don’t get caught up in the outcome. Instead of doing the same thing and expecting different results, accept things aren’t working the way you planned and do something different.

Stop avoiding difficult issues and only focusing on what you can’t change. Focus on what you can do about the situation, and if you can’t change something it’s time to accept this reality.

Acceptance unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough. It turns chaos into order and confusion to clarity. It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home and a stranger into a friend.

Peace and Love, Jim

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