Begin. . .

It is the natural course of my profession to have to scrap all of your work and start over.

This can be quite alarming to the interns and new hires right out of school. The thought that we may have to do the same job several times over never seems to sit well with anyone, yet that is how it is. The same can be said for life. Maybe we do not like the thought of doing something over and over, yet that is exactly what we do in life. Look closely and you will see that everyday we really begin again. This brings me to the thought for the day: One of the best things we can learn to do in our lives is to begin again.

Begin to see yourself as you are –  natural, happy and willing.

Begin to remember what worked for you (and what worked against you), and learn how you will do it again.

Begin to remember how natural it was when you were a child — to live a lifetime each day.

Begin to forget the baggage you carry with you (sometimes for years), the problems that don’t matter anymore, and the worries that will wash away.

Turn away from the problems of the past and give the future — and ourselves — a rest.

All it takes is a wish in the heart to let yourself begin again.

Have a great day and keep this in mind: Failure is an opinion. It is either an educational tool for starting over or an excuse tool for saying it’s over.

Peace and Love, Jim

#begin #thedailybuddha

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