I think I was probably 20 when I heard about quantum physics. They just barely skimmed over it in college chemistry, probably because the professors really didn’t know how to teach it since it completely undermines Newtonian physics. The one thing that did get through to me, though, was that measurements at an atomic level are directly affected by the observer. Wait. What? Atomic measurements change when observed by human consciousness?


At the time, it sort of hit the top of my head and bounced on off into the Twilight Zone. But, I kept coming back to it over and over as my life sauntered on. Every time I would delve into the subject I would get my mind blown. Concepts such as “quantum entanglement”, where atomic information ends up instantaneously (apparently, teleported) spread among several particles at once; or Einstein’s “spooky action at a distance” when it’s possible for a single particle to be in two places at once always captivated me and pointed out that there may be more going on than I could see.

I was raised in Christian home with all the topical Christian teachings. Mix the concepts that you’re an infinite being, with the scientific fact that you change the makeup of atoms just by observing them. . . well, that’s some heavy-duty stuff there! So, the only conclusion to come to is that I–we all–totally and completely create our lives from the ground up in every way, shape, and form. It can be no other way. The thing about this, however, is that we can create a very complete illusion that convinces us that we CAN NOT BE creating everything in our life. We decide it’s too much to take in. It’s too much responsibility, or it’s not possible because of these thousands of reasons. News flash: There isn’t anyone else but you doing your life.

Well, the next news flash: It’s only overwhelming because you decided it is. The only difference between feeling overwhelmed and not is basically, a choice. You can choose to observe how utterly overwhelming this physical life is in this time continuum; OR, you can see the utter simplicity of experiencing the infiniteness of you, and that you can choose what time continuum you live on, and all the conditions of your physical life.

By doing this one thing: CHOOSING, you’ll find that the Universe (the infiniteness of you) really has nothing else better to do than reflect back to you your choices. Hence, by observing what is reflected back, you can change it to be something better, something greater, for no other reason than to more accurately reflect the infiniteness of you. So why not choose the highest and the best for your life? It’s the most natural thing in the world.

Peace and Love, Jim

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