Circle of Understanding. . .

Over the last several years my wife and I have been aiding her mom with her increasing dementia. It is very challenging at times but has been a learning experience for all.

I remember times when we would help many (not just her mom) to the point of having no time for our self. I remember everyone telling us to quit doing so much and enjoy a moment for ourself ( which is good advice).

I must say though that helping others through difficulty though hard also has many opportunities and moments for grater understanding. Spending all of ones time keeping oneself content is quite a bit of work with very little payoff. Many people spend their lifetime trying to keep themselves happy, comfortable and content and never seem to find lasting joy.

You can make yourself happy for a little moments, but there is nothing lasting. I can honestly say that the happiest days of my recent life have been in doing for others. Seeing the smile on a friends face when you bring them flowers, watching a child glow with excitement as you show them something new, those moments last much longer than anything I can do for “me.”

So as I sit this morning watching the world wake up, I feel strangely in touch with the moment. I have come to realize in this life that it is not my time or their time, but our time and that is the best time of all.

Have a wonderful day and encourage someone to come out of the circle of time and into the circle of love.

Peace and Love, Jim

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