Conversations. . .

We engaging our world as bits of information. We scan printed words and pictures, watch others on TV describe life and push buttons to escape to digital landscapes and fantasies. Such an approach to our lives has become common and for many preferred, but the lone image of a person twitching in front of some device should come as a sign:

Information is addictive and makes us unavailable to reality.

A good conversation is one of life’s greatest gifts. Whether we are listening to an amusing story unfold or recounting a tender and insightful moment, conversation can be a great delight. In all of our modern technology a good conversation continues to be one of the most effective and enjoyable ways to learn. Having a cup of tea with a neurosurgeon will yield more insights into spinal cord research than days spent exploring the web. Talking with a politician can give us a truer measure of their stance than reading reams of campaign literature. And in the course of such conversations, we run the delightful chance of making a friend.

So I encourage everyone to get up and get out from behind their computers and cell phones to engage another person one to one, to enliven our natural humanity by noticing and listening to one another. By doing so we can take a moment – in tact hundreds of moments a day to enrich not only our lives and minds but the lives and minds of others.

Have a wonderful weekend and remember, a single conversation with a wise person is worth a month’s study of books.

Peace and Love, Jim

#conversations #thedailybuddha

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