Lets end the week developing!
Develop space between things. Don’t schedule things close together — instead, leave room between things on your schedule. That gives you a more relaxed schedule, and leaves space in case one task takes longer than you planned.
Develop rituals. Ritual gives something a sense of importance — if it’s important enough to have a ritual, it’s important enough to be given your entire attention, and to be done slowly and correctly. You can create your own, for the preparation of food, for eating, for cleaning, for what you do before you start your work, for what you do when you wake up and before you go to bed, for what you do just before exercise. Anything you want, really.
Develop time for certain things. There are certain times in the day of a Zen monk designated for certain activities. A time for for bathing, a time for work, a time for cleaning, a time for eating. This ensures that those things get done regularly. You can designate time for your own activities, whether that be work or cleaning or exercise or quiet contemplation. If it’s important enough to do regularly, consider designating a time for it.
Develop Understanding. Insight in essence is both knowledge and understanding derived from an “inward sight”, or more simply, looking inside your own mind and body and observing it. It can be a natural process, or an intentional process as sometimes you need to see things differently to see them clearly, but most important is knowing which lens or style to use to make it clear.
Peace and Love, Jim

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