Paradoxal Wisdom. . .
Purposeless purpose, Meaningless meaning, what does this mean? I have been finding the syntactical structure a lot lately, effortless, effort, purposeful purposelessness, etc. So I have been thinking about this for a little while now and even though it made an abstract sense when I first read it, I wanted to dig a little deeper. Is it that we are looking to get past meaning and purpose because meaning or purpose are dualistic? When we get past the conceptual binds of purpose and meaning do we then find being? Is it through the embrace of meaninglessness, tapping into the spontaneous outflow that we are free to experience being? Are Meaning and Being paradoxically within the meaninglessness? It may sound strange to hear that one can…live in purposelessness. Everything we do in life has a purpose, but in the buddhist realm we become conscious of realizing purposelessness, meaningless meaning and meaning itself. Allowing us to get past conceptual meaning to experience non-conceptual being-ness? True Being, living in naturalness, is like what Gyomay Sensei writes, “the flower itself cannot help but bloom as it does – there is no intention, when you love, you love. There is no purpose. Why do you ask for meaning? Is this spontaneous activity the ground of pure being? May we all embrace the meaningless meaning, the purposeless purpose, the effortless effort and the logic of the illogical. May it be so.
Peace and Love, Jim #paradox #thedailybuddha Buy Me A Coffee – A Easy Way To support The Daily Buddha! The Daily Buddha – Support The Server The Daily Buddha  – Web The Daily Buddha – YouTube The Daily Buddha – Facebook
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