Simplicity. . .

In the Mettà Sutta the Buddha praised the qualities of being easily supportable (subharo) and not constantly busy (appakicco), two of the many blessings we enjoy when we simplify our life

We can be simple in many ways but the most important of these are in how we live, how we use our mind and how we relate to those around us. To have simplicity of lifestyle we need to remind ourselves of the original purpose of things. The original purpose of clothes, for example, was for modesty and to protect the body from the elements. To use clothes as a status symbol, as an indication of wealth, is, from the Buddhist perspective, to misuse them.

It also complicates and clutters our life. The person who cherishes simplicity understands the value and true purpose of the things they own, the energies they live within and the influences they may have not only on their own mind but the minds and lives of others.

Peace and Love, Jim

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