You Did It!

Good or bad we have had to embrace and make changes over the year –  huge changes.

Whether working from home, working less, working more, being teachers as well as employees, seeing your kids all of the time, wearing a mask, social distancing, working out in your bedroom as opposed to the gym, not traveling, seeing your friends only on an outside basis… the list is long and coping with it has changed us.

You’ve likely also had to adjust to having less novelty in your life and less to look forward to. Take a moment to reflect and consider how from March 2020 until this moment you changed to accommodate all that changed for the world. Consider how your routine is different, how your interaction with others is different or how you spend your time is different? Are you more flexible with yourself? Are you less booked? Are you more focused or less focused? How did you surprise yourself this year with your ability to adjust?

Hardship most always brings growth – this is a universal reality. You’ve seen you can adjust. What did you gain from this experience? Recognize your resilience for adjusting and getting out of your comfort zone. What did you learn about yourself as a result? Did you find you could be more flexible than you thought? Did you find that your close friends and family became even closer or that you recognized what you value and what you take for granted? Did you find out you need people more than you realized or perhaps you are more independent than you ever knew you could be? Did you become closer to your family, your partner, your children?

Make a list of how you’ve grown as a person. Embrace the new options and turn the corner both personally and professionally. We have all shared this moment and we can come around the corner with it all. It takes courage to make these kinds of changes, but you did it!

Peace and Love, Jim

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