In our search for truth, the way, happiness, and purpose, we are often seeking affirmative answers. We are looking for what “is”.
However, life often shows us the way not by revealing to us what “is”, but in what “is not”.
So if what you thought was your dream job, dream house, dream relationship, dream life, and then later found that it “is not”; that it doesn’t give you the happiness that you had hoped to get when your dreams were fulfilled, don’t be disheartened by the loss of this dream, but be heartened to reflect on the message here that that dream simply “is not”.
If we open ourselves to this, we can then have the courage to explore all the opportunities that come our way, even if just to rule it out as something that we know “is not” for us. Moreover, just as what once may be thought of as significant to us at one stage may lose that significance, sometimes the opposite can occur when what may not be for us at one point in our life, may return to being closer to what “is” later on.
So the practice this week is to be aware of the things in our life that “are not”, which allows us to narrow our focus to revealing what truly “is”.
May you find the answers that you seek, whether in the affirmative or in what is not.
Opposites Together. . .

Opposites Together. . .
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