Many moons ago when I first took an interest in Buddhism my instructor who was of the Zen school of thought gave the most direct answers I believe I ever received from him.
The question was not mine, but another students and it was basically this –  “What can I do to shape the present moment?”
Our instructor gave his characteristically intense stare, lowered his eyes and we all anticipated some form of koan or other pondering that would take us in circles for days. But this day he spoke softly yet sternly and responded with this:
We are creatures of habit; Some good and some poor. It takes no degree or training to know which are which, but it takes wisdom and discipline to choose one over the other.
Drop resentment. We all have them and few are unique. Resentments take up too much space in the mind. Drop them, you will make your life much lighter. Your challenge will always be simply saying goodbye to the source.
Enjoy a part of every day. Look for those little bright moments that happen all the time but you often fail to recognize. Make a point of seeing good and honoring your chance to be in this minute.

Know who you really are. There is much to do here. Get busy.
Peace and Love, Jim
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