“Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication” ~ Leonardo DaVinci

Just as clutter in a room constricts us, so does a clutter in our mind. In the beginner’s mind there are many possibilities, but in the expert’s there are few. The more that we think we know, the less we are apt to learn. In the same vein, when we apply labels to ourselves, we limit our experience and our direct contact with life.

Labels and beliefs are filters through which we experience life. Filters restrict. Make space for living – emptiness allows great potential. Yet be mindful of how you fill the void. Instead of being a worker, a politician, a salesman, or any label you can name – try just being. Instead of saying to yourself I am a minimalist, Im a modernist, Im this or that, try just saying I am.

Perhaps you will open a door and be willing to see beyond “I am” and experience life as ‘It is’.

Peace and Love, Jim

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